Unbelievably, I may have gotten a Christmas gift I have been asking for, for years.
Yesterday, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar changed a policy from the Bush era that would allow the protection of "wild areas" without congressional status! That's 245 million acres of public land they now have the authority to temporarily protect: Particularly the pristine areas of the West. The "Bush policy" came from an out-of-court settlement.
"Salazar's directive casts aside a Bush policy that was adopted after an out-of-court settlement between then-Interior Secretary Gale Norton and the state of Utah. Under that agreement, the bureau lost its ability to manage pristine areas in order to preserve their wilderness qualities, pending congressional action. The move potentially opened the lands to energy development and mining."
Since 2003, the department has had to exclude wilderness as a criterion it was able to apply in managing federal lands for the public benefit. Now, once again, wilderness has been given value over development!
Merry Christmas to one and all!!! Today, Christmas Eve, marks the 20th anniversary of my departure to take part in the Gulf War. Please take a moment and think positive thoughts, send prayers, and remember our servicemen overseas and away from their loved ones this Christmas.
Birds: Eggs in the nest, should have babies by the new year!
Didn't bout the 20 anniversary part but christmas of 01 is when I was told you add been tasked with the whole CO experince for that oh so exciting year