Tuesday, August 23, 2011

End of Summer

The dancing daughter and our grandchildren have gone back to school, the Young Bird race season has started...all signs that summer is at an end. It has been a hectic summer, I still have wine that needs to be bottled, the peaches are coming on and soon the grapes will be ready to juice. Politics that I try to stay away from are gearing up...especially the local primary elections. My 75 year old father has thrown his hat in the ring to run for the City Counsel. So if you have friends or family living in Kaysville, Utah...he would appreciate their vote.

Disclaimer: My views are not always those of my father's and his are not always mine, but he does stand for the type of change in local government that I can stand behind and support.

1 comment:

  1. Ack politics is the one thing I should never speak with my mother, my father long lamentented "How did I come to have four Democratic children?" I had to correct him and say no dad, you have two Democrats and two Independents. I think that is the best we can talk about.

    So are you racing this season? I knew you were taking time off, but I lose track of time.
