Fearless honey badger escapes from Prague zoo…did you catch the video a couple of weeks ago on MSN??? Or you can still find it on You Tube.
I always thought our local relative the Wolverine was the winner, but after seeing the honey badger struck by a cobra, and taking a nap to shake it off…well, I’m re-thinking the subject. How would you like to see that in your back yard, if you lived in Prague????
I've been thinking a lot about the Wolverine lately, since reading about a study on them in Glacier National Park and thinking I missed the boat; instead of enlisting in the Army, I should have gotten a degree in biology and tracked Wolverines. If you feel the desire, you can contact them and make a donation to the research at the Wolverine Foundation.
Of course, when I think of Glacier, I tend to think of Doug Peacock and his book "Grizzly Years." I've met Doug Peacock three times, I remember all of them...although I am sure they are a little fuzzy in his mind. I love listening to his tales of times with Ed Abbey. Last time I saw Doug was at a reading by him and his lovely wife at Ken Sander's Rare Books...and that always makes me think of Ed Abbey.
All this thought of Abbey, and I need to escape to the desert...drink a few beers and do some hands on research for that book that I know I have hidden away inside me...Then I think of Doug and Ed and wonder what could I add to what they have written? I realize that what I have to add, is my perspective the unique accumulation of all that I have endured and achieved in my half century...so the desert calls...
Birds: Race this weekend!
Honey: This batch of mead will be named "Raving Mead"
Just Watched that youtube video! Ahh yeah They have won all when it comes to viciousness!
ReplyDeleteNow, how would you like to be living in Prague and know that one of them could be wandering around in your backyard...even worse, if you read the article...this one is the mother of six honey badgers born in captivity...do you think she might be searching for a new den??