A parent's primary job is to provide a child with the tools to become a productive part of society. To teach them right from wrong and to have respect for others and the law (not always the same thing). That they should respect their elders, veterans and their country (not necessarily their government). To support them in their times of uncertainty and let them know that they will always be there, when the child is ready to talk, to come back for a refresher course in any of the above.
Secondary things are how to care for their own children and respect the Earth. That, family is more important than friends...that you have only a few friends and many acquaintances. That they (the child) are not the center of the universe and that life is full of disappointments. And that true character is shown in how we deal with those disappointments.
Feel free to chime in, tell me I'm wrong; that I am right; that I've taken too many prescription drugs for the pain and I should be sleeping.
Question: When you are wronged by a family member, how do you deal with it??? What if you forgive and they do it again???

Honey: The grapes on the vine are almost ready to juice...anyone want to give me an early Christmas gift, I need a new 5 gallon Carboy.
I agree with what you have said. And want to add that the love of a parent is unconditional. But that doesn't mean the parents has to accept abuse or bad behavior.
ReplyDeleteand no editing advice to go with it =D
ReplyDeleteOf course I agree. My number one is they know who they are in Christ. Secondly, family. The love of the family is what you have. No matter who does what, forgive them, time and again, and all will work out just fine; even if it takes a while. No parent is perfect therefore I don't expect my children to be. When I am wrong, I admit it, ask for forgiveness, give them my biggest hug and wet kiss, and move on. If family does you wrong, love them anyway. Love conquers all.
ReplyDeleteDaniel knows my door is always open. I know he'll talk to me when he is ready. I acknowledge his need but don't "nag" him about it. I try to be tender-hearted.
Heather...well...I love her too. She's a great girl and will continue to be a work of art. =D
ReplyDeleteThanks for you input, things get a little different when they are older and out of the house with kids of their own.
You do good as a single mom, keep it up
I'm thinking parts one and two are the same step, but you're right on. Too many people try to be their child's friend instead of parent, friendship comes later, respect comes first.