A Facebook post by a friend made me think of Tim DeChristopher...if you don't know his story, you probably don't follow much about the environment and local Utah news...or the feds have successfully covered the story up until it is forgotten and they can just lock him up and throw
away the key.

The short version, Tim finished taking a test during his senior year at the University of Utah, went over to a rally against the unlawful sale of mineral rights to BLM land by oil and petroleum companies and decided to wander on in to this secret sale...he was mistaken as a bidder, and given the bidder card #70. He purchased 14 parcels worth 1.7 million during this illegal auction and then told them that he had no money to pay for his winnings. So, for attending a secret or bogus sale and bidding for illegally sold parcels of public land without the money to cover the bids on the illegal sale, Tim is facing federal charges.
The post that got me thinking of Tim was about BLM's contracted Oil Shale research in Utah.
This past week, Tim was in attendance and addressed the Govenors Energy Task Force...Tim has found himself in the position of the head of a new environmental movement. One that feels "a continued focus on the development of fossil fuels is a declaration of war against the living.”
I had the opportunity to meet Tim briefly at a screening of a documentary on the Green River and water use. Amazingly, the movie is playing on the local PBS channel tonight. Tim is being regarded by some as a modern-day Edward Abbey. I found our brief encounter to be insightful, showing an awareness beyond his young years...he is truly passionate about saving our earth from mankind.
They have moved Tim's trial date back to December 13, 2010...two years after Tim made his stand by bidding for parcels during a secret and illegal sale of rights on public land. Maybe the feds were hoping by then the issue would fall off the radar...but you and I can keep it alive. Check out Peaceful Uprising, and see what you can do to assist in this environmental struggle. If you can do nothing else, plan to stand in solidarity for the environment on December 13, 2010.
Birds: After much consideration and thought, I am going to step away from the sport of racing pigeons for a few years. My partner has offered to take my best breeders that I use for one-loft races and keep the family alive for me until I return to the sport. I will still have several breeder pairs that will need to be sold or given to novice racers to help retain the sport...and some will be donated to the annual club auction.
A secret sale of public land bothers me on so many levels. Go Tim!
ReplyDeleteWhy are you getting out of racing... for the time being?
Cele...Health issues and the recent forced disability retirement are making it difficult to care for them the way they should be cared for. My wife and step-daughter need my attention right now, and that takes up a good amount of the time I used to devote to the birds.