Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why I had to moderate comments on my

Well, my mentally and socially challenged stalker is
They are without ethics and have so little self-esteem, that they want to attack me, my doctors, the Dept of Labor doctors, my military career, and my family...while hiding behind being anonymous.  So, for my few readers, I apologize for digressing but this needs to be addressed...they commented on a comment on the blog: How can the bids be bogus if the sale was bogus???...

Sorry folks, no pictures today.

This is their comment:

Oh please. Forced disability. ???? You can do everything you ever could do..... just trying to get out of work as always. Your whole career (milatary as well) is defined by the same BS. Your new friends will figure you out soon enough. Your new found attempt at intellect and blog is sorely missing it's mark. You are simple and everyone can see it. A joke. You married someone with more sickness than you.......... go figure. Maybe the $1000 she makes on being an "author" with save you both.
By Anonymous on 10/15/10

So let's get the record straight. Forced disability: after four years and eight months following my injury, my employer could only find enough work for 45 minutes of an 8 hour day and expected me to sit or stand (since medically I am unable to sit for extended periods), waiting for them to have work within my medical restrictions. I was told that the only place I could do this was either in a small glass room which put me on display as an example for having an on-the-job injury or stuck in a storage area.  Which place would any thinking individual want to be?
"You can do everything you ever could do." Well gee,  I used to be able to pick up and carry my grandchildren without I can't do that.  And no, it's not because they have grown up, there are still plenty of small ones.  I can't sit for extended periods of time.  I have a loss of grasp in both hands and overall loss of strength.  I have three discs in my neck and one in my low back that are bulged or have moved due to the fall I took while on the clock and doing my assigned duties.
"Just trying to get out of work as always." Sounds like you are misplacing your work ethic upon me.  I have and always will continue to have a good work ethic.  In 10 years and 9 months of punching the clock at that place, I was only late twice.  Unlike other coworkers, when I was done with my work, I clocked out and went home...not waited 20 minutes for the half-hour mark.  Or stretched my day talking with customers because I didn't have a full day's work.  Or cut corners on the job to make it so I could get home early on the long days.  Good hell, I was the only employee on the overtime desired list for seven years...yeah, I'm just lazy.
"Your whole career (milatary as well) is defined by the same BS." First, you can't even spell it. Second, you really don't want to challenge my military career, most of which was spent in line units or doing classified work that I still can't discuss. I was on active duty for almost 12 years, and after the things I saw during the first Gulf War, I just couldn't go on doing that 24/7/ I went back to school and graduated with my bachelor's degree at 38 (where's your degree???). I was active with the US Army Reserve, and did an additional tour following 9-11.  Don't talk down my military service or the service of those that didn't return or returned as less than they left (and we all come back changed from war).  You haven't earned that right!  Show me where you have served with honor, show me where you are even brave enough to put your name on a comment.
"Your new friends will figure you out soon enough." A wise man once told me: "You will have many acquaintances, but count yourself blessed if you have enough friends to count on one hand." True friends know you, they want to be your friend with all your flaws and imperfections.
"Your new found attempt at intellect and blog is sorely missing it's mark. You are simple and everyone can see it. A joke." The only joke here is the person that wants to make accusations without proof, that feels they must put others down to pull themselves up, that doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to show themselves and let others know who they are.
"You married someone with more sickness than you.......... go figure" Now, if you know that my wife has been ill recently, that means you are way too close to my family to make those assertions. That is the most chickenshit thing a person can do: to attack someone when they know that person is down.  Either you are a FAKE friend or acquaintance, or you are someone lurking in the shadows of our life sending out all the bad energy you can in the hope of destroying our happiness for your own sick and unrealistic reasons.  I didn't marry her for any reason other than our stay the fuck out of it!!  If you are an acquaintance, I would very strongly suggest that you never make this breech of etiquette in my presence.
"Maybe the $1000 she makes on being an "author" with save you both." Once again, you have shown your total ignorance, and absolute lack of knowledge.  Being a writer means that you MUST are wired that way.  Being a good writer means you have talent.  Being a New York-published author means you have enough talent that others notice.  Being a best-selling author, means that you have all the previous, and you caught a break, achieved a following or sold your soul.  Unless you are the last type, there is no real money in being a writer.
So now that you have been exposed as the joke you are, I would suggest that: 1) You either identify yourself so we can all laugh at you. 2) Continue to lurk and raise the ratings of my blog. 3) Get a life.
I will continue to moderate, and will continue to remove comments that are not germaine or that are attacks on myself personally or my family. Doesn't mean that I won't spotlight what a moron you are on my blog. Everyone should get to enjoy your complete idiocy. Why should I have all the fun?


  1. C'mon Jeff, Don't ya think you were a little rough on the stalker?!...I mean, honestly, he/she's not going to be able to read all that, let alone comprehend it! That he/she attacks anyone who has served in the mil"I"tary shows a complete and utter absence of the values we need to make a "community", and to attack your wife?...Honey, I'd like to hunt down his/her momma and slap her for not bringing a child up right!

  2. Jenni, to be honest this almost sounds like my old boss...uneducated, resentful of anyone that was more intelligent or had more charisma than a slug or himself. He never served, and was Vietnam era age...
    Thanks for your support, you have known me many years and that makes your opinion of me count a lot.

  3. WOW. I had no idea. I thought I was the only one with a hateful, ignorant and ridiculous stalker. I guess I should set the record straight for your buddy:

    I am a beautiful, talented and extremely accomplished woman. Jeff is my dear friend. Although "new-found" I have seen his intellect, and I have seen his heart. Anyone who is myopic and uneducated enough to demean him has my deepest sympathies and disdain.

    Oh, and if you want to take ME on, Little Man, you be my guest. I'll eviscerate you in 10 words or less without swearing or breaking a sweat.

    'Nuff said.

  4. Anonymity shows sheer cowardice. Therefore, no point in giving it any credence at all.

  5. You know I despies spineless stalkers, and then he a attacks my dear friend. Ack that ticks me off. A true spineless bully. Ohhh, maybe it's her spineless butthead ex.

  6. I love you anyway! All your imperfections and so forth.

    P.S. I'm not the stalker. =D

  7. Jeff, This is Jeff Nielson-I am not sure what signature will show up-I dont agree with a lot of what you write but I do support you and Natalie completely! I dont know if your anonomous contributor is real or someones idea of a sick joke. man that is some rude crap! Life is way too short to deal with uncivil and rude people! I love ya both man!

  8. Thanks for all the support, I have been gone most of the day, picking up an old friends mother from the hospital...the friend just went through a major surgery on Wednesday that shouldn't happen to anyone until they are in their 80's, if then. If you really want to show appreciation to me, send out positive energy and prayers for her. Thanks again.

  9. Holy cow, I made your blog !! Just got back from hunting for a couple weeks and someone alerted me to the blog and the fact you think I'm your 'stalker'. I wish I had time or the energy to spend wondering what your up to but my life is pure joy without you in it Jeff. In 34 yrs I've never seen or heard of another employee quite like you but thats just my opinion. Although I agree with most everything your 'stalker' has to say, I do think he/she must be a little off to care. But thanks for the kind comments, I guess my smarts and charisma are not all that great. But they are enough that I made it to Postmaster, hired you and were your boss for 10 yrs. Good luck Jeff and you will never hear from me again for sure.
    Cal Bambrough
    Your old Boss

  10. So, although he remained anonymous but still signed it, The Old Postmaster claims he isn't my stalker. I wonder why he thought he might be the boss I was talking about? I have had lots of bosses...working for the past 34 years...and he was no where near the worst of them.
    It's nice to know, that offically and publicly he states I will never hear from him again...nice to know.

  11. Cal Bambrough,
    Aren't you the postmaster of the Kaysville post office? And thusly, are you posting this AT WORK while on the clock? And you had a problem with Jeff's work ethics?

    Also, how odd that you were gone for two weeks, and he heard NOTHING from the stalker, and now here you are, saying that you believe everything the "stalker" said.

    This will make for an interesting lawsuit.

  12. Now, be nice to Mr. Bambrough.
    He is the Postmaster, he is entitled to use any postal property the way he sees fit, regardless of rules, regulations or policies.
    Now, it hasn't been a full two weeks, so if we conclude that he was "up" hunting for the last two weeks, it couldn't be him.
    I don't know where you get the idea of a lawsuit, can you explain? The only thing still pending concerning Mr. Bambrough is an official Equal Employement Opportunity Complaint. Or is that considered a lawsuit?

  13. While out caring for the birds, I realized that there are two or three points that Mr. Bambrough made that really aren't very accurate.
    1)"In 34 yrs I've never seen or heard of another employee quite like you" He failed to state how many employees he has dealt with or heard about that were senior NCOs in the Army, Chief Stewards for a union, or that had a degree in Criminal Justice. He failed to state that the entire number of employees at the largest post office he has worked in was less than 35.

    2)"enough that I made it to Postmaster, hired you and were your boss for 10 yrs" He did in fact make it the apex of his career to be the postmaster in a town of less than 30,000. He was the supervisor that hired me...but I was already qualified for the job or would not have been is a federal job, not a who-you-know-good-ol-boy system that went away back in the 60s. He was in fact my supervisor for 2 years, took a postmaster position at a smaller office, and then came back and was the postmaster where I carried mail for 4 and 1/2 math is bad, but that only adds up to 6 1/2 years of the 10 years and 9 months I worked for the Postal Service.

    He also neglected to say that I took the job as a carrier because I enjoyed it, that I was way over-qualified for the job educationally and in my number of years of logistical experience...that it was only a filler job that allowed me to continue to use the federal benefits of leave, insurance, senority, a solid union and additional funding of my retirement while waiting to collect my real retirement from the US Army Reserves. He failed to note that I was an NCO for over 20 years and at the apex of my military career was in charge of over 100 personnel.

    3)"someone alerted me to the blog" once again, it is that elusive "someone"...due process in this country allows us to know who our accuser is. Once again, Mr. Bambrough has taken it upon himself to investigate and find the truth of the matter, regardless of specific regulations that he has been provided with that demand he turn the investigation over to a quailified investigator many steps above his pay grade. This shows his willingness to ignore the rules, policy and laws that govern him.

  14. Your old boss only said he agreed with 'most' of what your stalker said. Kind of leaves you wondering what he agreed with and don't. Either way if you work for someone that long you must of had some differences for some reason. He must really have a hard time getting along with people huh?? I've had boss's like that, complete jerks.
    Looking at the comments on your blog I'd say the stalker is the only one replying though.

  15. He did fail to mention which parts he agreed with...but there wasn't much positive, so it must all be negative.
    Yes, working with someone for 6 1/2 years you do have difference...most of us can work through them and we don't carry them on out the door at night.
    He gets along well enough with the people who never question his authority over the rules, regulations and laws.
    I didn't call anyone names...there are difficult people that we all have to work for, but at the end of the day, we all get to go home to our families and forget about the office.
    I have several people making comments on the blog...some signed, and some that only want to be anonymous...but they are not all the stalker...there are ways to tell...I'm sure if you do much work with computers that you know this.

  16. I was just making the point that most of your topics have no replies at all and this one has many. I guess controversy is what makes a blog thrive. I know enough about computers to know that several people have access to one computer so ya just never know who is who in this kind of deal. Unless you sign your name like you have called people out to do which is understandable.

  17. So is 'signed' mean Birdman, Cele, Little Brother and Natalie?? Does that tell you who they are compared to Anonymous. What is the real difference. Is your old boss the only one who really signed his real name?? Or are there other ways to find out who Little Brother is. Just curious.

  18. Actually, the highlighted names like that are a link to their webpage or their blog. Just because you sign it with a name doesn't mean it is really from you. ISP is a great way to narrow the field as to where a comment came you said...several people may use a computer...just don't leave yourself logged on...

  19. Controversy is not what makes a blog thrive, what makes it thrive is the number of hits per day. That is what gets a blog to the search engines, generating more hits. I have several people who do not want their comments posted on the blog that have asked me to contact them in an email or even a phone call...this applies in particular to people with questions about the birds.

  20. I know all about ISP but I'm still confused. Maybe you should do a blog on IPS for those that need to understand better. You know, more interesting things. That JulieAnn has a killer blog. What a great writer with REAL points to make.

  21. Information Technology is not my strong point, a blog on that by me wouldn't be worth reading, I would have to rely on someone else's knowledge...anyone can google that type of thing, I would prefer to stick with the things I know more about and enjoy. If you aren't interested in Birds and Honey...or the environment...this probably is not the blog for you to spend time reading.

  22. Oh. Thanks for the info about the 'hits'. I just assumed that what makes a blog thrive is controversy in your case because I dont' see any responses from other topics of interest from you?? Your so interesting and have so many life experiences to draw from though, I hope you keep us posted.

  23. I know. Just been reading JulieAnn,Natalie and others blogs who have links to you and thought you might have the same to offer as far as something worthwhile, insightful and productive to read. My bad, I'll move along. You obvisously have a different adjenda going.

  24. Actually, the reason I write my blog is to share the things that interest me...they don't have to interest you. They do interest many of my friends. One of the really nice things about being retired, I don't have to put up with anyone's if I feel that someone is trying to create drama...I just won't post the comment. I can do's MY blog.

  25. I'm glad you are enjoying the other blogs. If you don't find this blog worthwhile, insightful or don't have to bother...I will keep my own agenda...I like it, and that is all that counts...

  26. If you really want to get the most out of the blog experience, you should consider upgrading from Internet Explorer 6.0 to atleast 8.0.
    And there have to be better internet providers in Layton than Comcast...just saying.

  27. Wow...tracking devices are wonderful...and I just realized who has a comcast email address...oops
